Source code for gratopy.gratopy

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#    Copyright (C) 2021 Kristian Bredies (
#                       Richard Huber (
#    This file is part of gratopy (
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with this program.  If not, see <>.

# unofficial Python2 compatibility
from __future__ import division, print_function

import sys
import os
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.patches
import pyopencl as cl
import pyopencl.array as clarray
import scipy
import scipy.sparse

# Version number
VERSION = '0.1.0'

# Source files for opencl kernels
CL_FILES1 = ["", ""]
CL_FILES2 = ["", ""]

# Class attribute corresponding to which geometry to consider
FAN = 2

# Program created from the gpu_code
class Program(object):
    def __init__(self, ctx, code):

        # activate warnings
        os.environ['PYOPENCL_COMPILER_OUTPUT'] = '1'
        # build OpenCL code
        self._cl_prg = cl.Program(ctx, code)
        # add the kernels functions to the local dictionary
        self._cl_kernels = self._cl_prg.all_kernels()
        for kernel in self._cl_kernels:
            self.__dict__[kernel.function_name] = kernel

def check_compatibility(img, sino, projectionsetting):
    Ensures, that img, sino, and projectionsetting have compatible
    dimensions and types.
    assert (sino.dtype == img.dtype),\
        ("sinogram and image do not share"
         + "common data type: " + str(sino.dtype)+" and "+str(img.dtype))

    assert (sino.shape[0:2] == projectionsetting.sinogram_shape), (
        "The dimensions of the sinogram" + str(sino.shape)
        + " do not match the projectionsetting's "
        + str(projectionsetting.sinogram_shape))

    assert (sino.shape[0:2] == projectionsetting.sinogram_shape), (
        "The dimensions of the image " + str(img.shape)
        + " do not match the projectionsetting's "
        + str(projectionsetting.img_shape))

    if len(sino.shape) > 2:
        if sino.shape[2] > 1:
            assert(len(img.shape) > 2),\
                (" The sinogram has a third dimension"
                 + "but the image does not.")
            assert(sino.shape[2] == img.shape[2]),\
                ("The third dimension"
                 + "(z-direction) of the sinogram is" + str(sino.shape[2])
                 + " and the image's is" + str(img.shape[2])
                 + ", they do not coincide.")

    if len(img.shape) > 2:
        if img.shape[2] > 1:
            assert(len(sino.shape) > 2),\
                (" The sinogram has a third dimension"
                 + "but the image does not.")

[docs]def forwardprojection(img, projectionsetting, sino=None, wait_for=[]): """ Performs the forward projection (either for the Radon or the fanbeam transform) of a given image using the given projection settings. :param img: The image to be transformed. :type img: :class:`pyopencl.array.Array` with :ref:`compatible <compatible>` dimensions :param projectionsetting: The geometry settings for which the forward transform is computed. :type projectionsetting: :class:`gratopy.ProjectionSettings` :param sino: The array in which the result of transformation is saved. If :obj:`None` (per default) is given, a new array will be created and returned. :type sino: :class:`pyopencl.array.Array` with :ref:`compatible <compatible-sino>` dimensions, default :obj:`None` :param wait_for: The events to wait for before performing the computation in order to avoid, e.g., race conditions, see :class:`pyopencl.Event`. This program will always wait for and (so you need not add them to wait_for). :type wait_for: :class:`list[pyopencl.Event]`, default :attr:`[]` :return: The sinogram associated with the projection of the image. If the **sino** is not :obj:`None`, the same :mod:`pyopencl` array is returned with the values in its data overwritten. :rtype: :class:`pyopencl.array.Array` The forward projection can be performed for single or double precision arrays. The dtype (precision) of **img** and **sino** (if given) have to coincide and the output will be of the same precision. It respects any combination of *C* and *F* contiguous arrays where output will be of the same contiguity as img if no sino is given. The OpenCL events associated with the transform will be added to the output's events. In case the output array is created, it will use the allocator of **img**. If the image and sinogram have a third dimension (z-direction) the operator is applied slicewise. """ # initialize new sinogram if no sinogram is yet given if sino is None: z_dimension = tuple() if len(img.shape) > 2: z_dimension = (img.shape[2],) # create sinogram with same basic properties as img sino = clarray.zeros(projectionsetting.queue, projectionsetting.sinogram_shape+z_dimension, dtype=img.dtype, order={0: 'F', 1: 'C'}[img.flags.c_contiguous], allocator=img.allocator) # perform projection operation function = projectionsetting.forwardprojection function(sino, img, projectionsetting, wait_for=wait_for) return sino
[docs]def backprojection(sino, projectionsetting, img=None, wait_for=[]): """ Performs the backprojection (either for the Radon or the fanbeam transform) of a given sinogram using the given projection settings. :param sino: Sinogram to be backprojected. :type sino: :class:`pyopencl.array.Array` with :ref:`compatible <compatible-sino>` dimensions :param projectionsetting: The geometry settings for which the forward transform is computed. :type projectionsetting: :class:`gratopy.ProjectionSettings` :param img: The array in which the result of backprojection is saved. If :obj:`None` is given, a new array will be created and returned. :type img: :class:`pyopencl.array.Array` with :ref:`compatible <compatible>` dimensions, default :obj:`None` :param wait_for: The events to wait for before performing the computation in order to avoid, e.g., race conditions, see :class:`pyopencl.Event`. This program will always wait for and (so you need not add them to wait_for). :type wait_for: :class:`list[pyopencl.Event]`, default :attr:`[]` :return: The image associated with the backprojected sinogram, coinciding with the **img** if not :obj:`None`, with the values in its data overwritten. :rtype: :class:`pyopencl.array.Array` The backprojection can be performed for single or double precision arrays. The dtype (precision) of **img** and **sino** have to coincide. If no **img** is given, the output precision coincides with **sino**'s. The operation respects any combination of *C* and *F* contiguous arrays, where if **img** is :obj:`None`, the result's contiguity coincides with **sino**'s. The OpenCL events associated with the transform will be added to the output's events. In case the output array is created, it will use the allocator of **sino**. If the sinogram and image have a third dimension (z-direction), the operator is applied slicewise. """ # initialize new img (to save backprojection in) if none is yet given if img is None: z_dimension = tuple() if len(sino.shape) > 2: z_dimension = (sino.shape[2],) # create img for backprojection with same basic properties as sino img = clarray.zeros(projectionsetting.queue, projectionsetting.img_shape+z_dimension, dtype=sino.dtype, order={0: 'F', 1: 'C'}[ sino.flags.c_contiguous], allocator=sino.allocator) # execute corresponding backprojection operation function = projectionsetting.backprojection function(img, sino, projectionsetting, wait_for=wait_for) return img
[docs]def radon(sino, img, projectionsetting, wait_for=[]): """ Performs the Radon transform of a given image using the given **projectionsetting**. :param sino: The array in which the resulting sinogram is written. :type sino: :class:`pyopencl.array.Array` :param img: The image to transform. :type img: :class:`pyopencl.array.Array` :param projectionsetting: The geometry settings for which the Radon transform is performed. :type projectionsetting: :class:`gratopy.ProjectionSettings` :param wait_for: The events to wait for before performing the computation in order to avoid, e.g., race conditions, see :class:`pyopencl.Event`. This program will always wait for and (so you need not add them to wait_for). :type wait_for: :class:`list[pyopencl.Event]`, default [] :return: Event associated with the computation of the Radon transform (which is also added to the events of **sino**). :rtype: :class:`pyopencl.Event` """ # ensure that all relevant arrays have common data_type and # compatible dimensions check_compatibility(img, sino, projectionsetting) # select additional information of suitable data-type, # upload via ensure_dtype in case not yet uploaded to gpu dtype = sino.dtype projectionsetting.ensure_dtype(dtype) ofs_buf = projectionsetting.ofs_buf[dtype] geometry_information = projectionsetting.geometry_information[dtype] # choose function with appropriate dtype function = projectionsetting.functions[(dtype, sino.flags.c_contiguous, img.flags.c_contiguous)] # execute corresponding function and add event to sinogram myevent = function(sino.queue, sino.shape, None,,, ofs_buf, geometry_information, sino.add_event(myevent) return myevent
[docs]def radon_ad(img, sino, projectionsetting, wait_for=[]): """ Performs the Radon backprojection of a given sinogram using the given **projectionsetting**. :param img: The array in which the resulting backprojection is written. :type img: :class:`pyopencl.array.Array` :param sino: The sinogram to transform. :type sino: :class:`pyopencl.array.Array` :param projectionsetting: The geometry settings for which the Radon backprojection is performed. :type projectionsetting: :class:`gratopy.ProjectionSettings` :param wait_for: The events to wait for before performing the computation in order to avoid, e.g., race conditions, see :class:`pyopencl.Event`. This program will always wait for and (so you need not add them to wait_for). :type wait_for: :class:`list[pyopencl.Event]`, default [] :return: Event associated with the computation of the Radon backprojection (which is also added to the events of **img**). :rtype: :class:`pyopencl.Event` """ # ensure that all relevant arrays have common data_type and # compatible dimensions check_compatibility(img, sino, projectionsetting) # select additional information of suitable data-type, # upload via ensure_dtype in case not yet uploaded to gpu dtype = sino.dtype projectionsetting.ensure_dtype(dtype) ofs_buf = projectionsetting.ofs_buf[dtype] geometry_information = projectionsetting.geometry_information[dtype] # choose function with appropriate dtype function = projectionsetting.functions_ad[(dtype, img.flags.c_contiguous, sino.flags.c_contiguous)] # execute corresponding function and add event to image myevent = function(img.queue, img.shape, None,,, ofs_buf, geometry_information, img.add_event(myevent) return myevent
[docs]def radon_struct(queue, img_shape, angles, angle_weights, n_detectors=None, detector_width=2.0, image_width=2.0, midpoint_shift=[0, 0], detector_shift=0.0): """ Creates the structure storing geometry information required for the Radon transform and its adjoint. :param queue: OpenCL command queue in which context the computations are to be performed. :type queue: :class:`pyopencl.CommandQueue` :param img_shape: The number of pixels of the image in x- and y-direction respectively, i.e., the image size. It is assumed that by default, the center of rotation is in the middle of the grid of quadratic pixels. The midpoint can, however, be shifted, see the **midpoint_shift** parameter. :type img_shape: :class:`tuple` :math:`(N_x,N_y)` :param angles: Determines which angles are considered for the projection. :type angles: :class:`numpy.ndarray` :param angle_weights: The weights associated to the angles, e.g., how much of the angular range is covered by this angle. This impacts the weighting of rays for the backprojection. :type angle_weights: :class:`numpy.ndarray` :param n_detectors: The number :math:`N_s` of considered (equi-spaced) detectors. If :obj:`None`, :math:`N_s` will be chosen as :math:`\\sqrt{N_x^2+N_y^2}`. :type n_detectors: :class:`int`, default :obj:`None` :param detector_width: Physical length of the detector line. :type detector_width: :class:`float`, default 2.0 :param image_width: Physical size of the image indicated by the length of the longer side of the rectangular image domain. Choosing **image_width** = **detector_width** results in the standard Radon transform with each projection touching the entire object, while **img_width** = 2 **detector_width** results in each projection capturing only half of the image. :type image_width: :class:`float`, default 2.0 :param midpoint_shift: Two-dimensional vector representing the shift of the image away from center of rotation. Defaults to the application of no shift. :type midpoint_shift: :class:`list[float]`, default [0.0, 0.0] :param detector_shift: Physical shift of the detector along the detector line in detector pixel offsets. Defaults to the application of no shift, i.e., the detector reaches from [- **detector_width**/2, **detector_width**/2]. :type detector_shift: :class:`list[float]`, default 0.0 :return: Struct dictionary with the following variables as entries, where the keys are strings of the same names\\: :rtype: :class:`dict` :var ofs_dict: Dictionary containing the relevant angular information as :class:`numpy.ndarray` for the data types :attr:`numpy.float32` and :attr:`numpy.float64`. The arrays have dimension :math:`(8, N_a)` with columns: +---+------------------------+ | 0 | weighted cosine | +---+------------------------+ | 1 | weighted sine | +---+------------------------+ | 2 | detector offset | +---+------------------------+ | 3 | inverse of cosine/sine | +---+------------------------+ | 4 | angular weight | +---+------------------------+ | 5 | flipped | +---+------------------------+ The remaining columns are unused. The value **flipped** indicates whether the x and y axis are flipped (1) or not (0), which is done for reasons of numerical stability. The 4th entry contains the inverse of sine if the axes are flipped and the inverse of cosine otherwise. :vartype ofs_dict: :class:`dict{numpy.dtype: numpy.ndarray}` :var shape: Tuple of integers :math:`(N_x,N_y)` representing the size of the image. :vartype shape: :class:`tuple` :var sinogram_shape: Tuple of integers :math:`(N_s,N_a)` representing the size of the sinogram. :vartype sinogram_shape: :class:`tuple` :var geo_dict: Dictionary mapping the allowed data types to an array containing the values [:math:`\\delta_x, \\delta_s, N_x, N_y, N_s, N_a`]. :vartype geo_dict: :class:`dict{numpy.dtype: numpy.ndarray}` :var angles_diff_buf: Dictionary containing the same values as in **ofs_dict** [4] representing the weights associated with the angles (i.e., the length of sinogram pixels in the angular direction). :vartype angles_diff: :class:`dict{numpy.dtype: numpy.ndarray}` """ # relative_detector_pixel_width is delta_s/delta_x relative_detector_pixel_width = detector_width/float(image_width)\ * max(img_shape)/n_detectors # Choosing the number of detectors as the the diagonal # through the the image (in image_pixel scale) if none is given if n_detectors is None: nd = int(np.ceil(np.hypot(img_shape[0], img_shape[1]))) else: nd = n_detectors # compute basic resolutions delta_x = image_width/float(max(img_shape)) delta_s = float(detector_width)/nd # Compute the midpoints of geometries midpoint_domain = np.array([img_shape[0]-1, img_shape[1]-1])/2.0 -\ np.array(midpoint_shift)/delta_x midpoint_detectors = (nd-1.0)/2.0 # Vector in projection-direction (from source toward detector) X = np.cos(angles-np.pi*0.5)/relative_detector_pixel_width Y = np.sin(angles-np.pi*0.5)/relative_detector_pixel_width Xinv = np.zeros(X.size) Xinv = 1.0/X # set near vertical lines to horizontal mask = np.where(abs(X) < abs(Y)) Xinv[mask] = 1.0/Y[mask] reverse_mask = np.zeros(Xinv.shape) reverse_mask[mask] = 1. # X*x+Y*y=detectorposition, offset is error in midpoint of # the sinogram (in shifted detector setting) offset = midpoint_detectors - X*midpoint_domain[0]\ - Y*midpoint_domain[1] - detector_shift/delta_s # Save for datatype float64 and float32 the relevant additional information # required for the computations geo_dict = {} ofs_dict = {} angle_diff_dict = {} n_angles = len(angles) sinogram_shape = (nd, n_angles) for dtype in [np.dtype('float64'), np.dtype('float32')]: # save angular information into the ofs buffer ofs = np.zeros((8, len(angles)), dtype=dtype, order='F') ofs[0, :] = X ofs[1, :] = Y ofs[2, :] = offset ofs[3, :] = Xinv ofs[4, :] = angle_weights ofs[5, :] = reverse_mask ofs_dict[dtype] = ofs angle_diff_dict[dtype] = np.array(angle_weights, dtype=dtype) geometry_info = np.array([delta_x, delta_s, img_shape[0], img_shape[1], nd, n_angles], dtype=dtype, order='F') geo_dict[dtype] = geometry_info struct = {"ofs_dict": ofs_dict, "img_shape": img_shape, "sinogram_shape": sinogram_shape, "geo_dict": geo_dict, "angle_diff_dict": angle_diff_dict} return struct
[docs]def fanbeam(sino, img, projectionsetting, wait_for=[]): """ Performs the fanbeam transform of a given image using the given **projectionsetting**. :param sino: The array in which the resulting sinogram is written. :type sino: :class:`pyopencl.array.Array` :param img: The image to transform. :type img: :class:`pyopencl.array.Array` :param projectionsetting: The geometry settings for which the fanbeam transform is performed. :type projectionsetting: :class:`gratopy.ProjectionSettings` :param wait_for: The events to wait for before performing the computation in order to avoid, e.g., race conditions, see :class:`pyopencl.Event`. This program will always wait for and (so you need not add them to wait_for). :type wait_for: :class:`list[pyopencl.Event]`, default [] :return: Event associated with the computation of the fanbeam transform (which is also added to the events of **sino**). :rtype: :class:`pyopencl.Event` """ # ensure that all relevant arrays have common data_type and # compatible dimensions check_compatibility(img, sino, projectionsetting) # select additional information of suitable data-type, # upload via ensure_dtype in case not yet uploaded to gpu dtype = sino.dtype projectionsetting.ensure_dtype(dtype) ofs_buf = projectionsetting.ofs_buf[dtype] sdpd_buf = projectionsetting.sdpd_buf[dtype] geometry_information = projectionsetting.geometry_information[dtype] # choose function with appropriate dtype function = projectionsetting.functions[(dtype, sino.flags.c_contiguous, img.flags.c_contiguous)] # execute corresponding function and add event to sinogram myevent = function(sino.queue, sino.shape, None,,, ofs_buf, sdpd_buf, geometry_information, sino.add_event(myevent) return myevent
[docs]def fanbeam_ad(img, sino, projectionsetting, wait_for=[]): """ Performs the fanbeam backprojection of a given sinogram using the given **projectionsetting**. :param img: The array in which the resulting backprojection is written. :type img: :class:`pyopencl.array.Array` :param sino: The sinogram to transform. :type sino: :class:`pyopencl.array.Array` :param projectionsetting: The geometry settings for which the fanbeam backprojection is performed. :type projectionsetting: :class:`gratopy.ProjectionSettings` :param wait_for: The events to wait for before performing the computation in order to avoid, e.g., race conditions, see :class:`pyopencl.Event`. This program will always wait for and (so you need not add them to wait_for). :type wait_for: :class:`list[pyopencl.Event]`, default [] :return: Event associated with the computation of the fanbeam backprojection (which is also added to the events of **img**). :rtype: :class:`pyopencl.Event` """ # ensure that all relevant arrays have common data_type and # compatible dimensions check_compatibility(img, sino, projectionsetting) # select additional information of suitable data-type, # upload via ensure_dtype in case not yet uploaded to gpu dtype = sino.dtype projectionsetting.ensure_dtype(dtype) ofs_buf = projectionsetting.ofs_buf[dtype] sdpd_buf = projectionsetting.sdpd_buf[dtype] geometry_information = projectionsetting.geometry_information[dtype] function = projectionsetting.functions_ad[(dtype, img.flags.c_contiguous, sino.flags.c_contiguous)] # execute corresponding function and add event to sinogram myevent = function(img.queue, img.shape, None,,, ofs_buf, sdpd_buf, geometry_information, img.add_event(myevent) return myevent
[docs]def fanbeam_struct(queue, img_shape, angles, detector_width, source_detector_dist, source_origin_dist, angle_weights, n_detectors=None, detector_shift=0.0, image_width=None, midpoint_shift=[0, 0], reverse_detector=False): """ Creates the structure storing geometry information required for the fanbeam transform and its adjoint. :param queue: OpenCL command queue in which context the computations are to be performed. :type queue: :class:`pyopencl.CommandQueue` :param img_shape: The number of pixels of the image in x- and y-direction respectively, i.e., the image size. It is assumed that by default, the center of rotation is in the middle of the grid of quadratic pixels. The midpoint can, however, be shifted, see the **midpoint_shift** parameter. :type img_shape: :class:`tuple` :math:`(N_x,N_y)` :param angles: Determines which angles are considered for the projection. :type angles: :class:`numpy.ndarray` :param detector_width: Physical length of the detector line. :type detector_width: :class:`float`, default 2.0 :param source_detector_dist: Physical (orthogonal) distance **R** from the source to the detector line. :type source_detector_dist: :class:`float` :param source_origin_dist: Physical distance **RE** from the source to the origin (center of rotation). :type source_origin_dist: :class:`float` :param angle_weights: The weights associated to the angles, e.g., how much of the angular range is covered by this angle. This impacts the weighting of rays for the backprojection. :type angle_weights: :class:`numpy.ndarray` :param n_detectors: The number :math:`N_s` of considered (equi-spaced) detectors. If :obj:`None`, :math:`N_s` will be chosen as :math:`\\sqrt{N_x^2+N_y^2}`. :type n_detectors: :class:`int` or :obj:`None`, default :obj:`None` :param detector_shift: Physical shift of the detector along the detector line in detector pixel offsets. Defaults to the application of no shift, i.e., the detector reaches from [- **detector_width**/2, **detector_width**/2]. :type detector_shift: :class:`list[float]`, default 0.0 :param image_width: Physical size of the image indicated by the length of the longer side of the rectangular image domain. If :obj:`None`, **image_width** is chosen to capture just all rays. :type image_width: :class:`float`, default :obj:`None` :param midpoint_shift: Two-dimensional vector representing the shift of the image away from center of rotation. Defaults to the application of no shift. :type midpoint_shift: :class:`list[float]`, default [0.0, 0.0] :param reverse_detector: When :obj:`True`, the detector direction is flipped. :type reverse_detector: :class:`bool`, default :obj:`False` :return: Struct dictionary with the following variables as entries, where the keys are strings of the same names\\: :rtype: :class:`dict` :var img_shape: Tuple of integers :math:`(N_x,N_y)` representing the size of the image. :vartype img_shape: :class:`tuple` :var sinogram_shape: Tuple of integers :math:`(N_s,N_a)` representing the size of the sinogram. :vartype sinogram_shape: :class:`tuple` :var ofs_dict: Dictionary containing the relevant angular information as :class:`numpy.ndarray` for the data types :attr:`numpy.float32` and :attr:`numpy.float64`. The arrays have dimension :math:`(8, N_a)` with columns: +-----+--------------------------------------------+ | 0 1 | vector of length :math:`\\delta_s` | | | pointing in positive detector direction | +-----+--------------------------------------------+ | 2 3 | vector connecting source and center of | | | rotation | +-----+--------------------------------------------+ | 4 5 | vector connection the origin and its | | | projection onto the detector line | +-----+--------------------------------------------+ | 6 | angular weight | +-----+--------------------------------------------+ The remaining column is unused. :vartype ofs_dict: :class:`dict{numpy.dtype: numpy.ndarray}` :var sdpd_dict: Dictionary mapping :attr:`numpy.float32` and :attr:`numpy.float64` to a :class:`numpy.ndarray` representing the values :math:`\\sqrt{(s^2+R^2)}` for the weighting in the fanbeam transform (weighted by **delta_ratio**, i.e., :math:`\\delta_s/\\delta_x`). :vartype sdpd_dict: :class:`dict{numpy.dtype: numpy.ndarray}` :var image_width: Physical size of the image. Equal to the input parameter if given, or to the determined image size if **image_width** is :obj:`None` (see parameter **image_width**). :vartype image:width: :class:`float` :var geo_dict: Dictionary mapping the allowed data types to an array containing the values [source detector distance/:math:`\\delta_x`, source origin distance/:math:`\\delta_x`, width of a detector_pixel relative to width of image_pixels i.e. :math:`\\delta_s`/:math:`\\delta_x`, image midpoint x-coordinate (in pixels), image midpoint y-coordinate (in pixels), detector line midpoint (in detector-pixels), :math:`N_x`, :math:`N_y`, :math:`N_s`, :math:`N_a`, width of an image pixel (:math:`\\delta_x`)]. :vartype geo_dict: :class:`dict{numpy.dtype: numpy.ndarray}` :var angles_diff: Dictionary containing the same values as in **ofs_dict** [6] representing the weights associated with the angles (i.e., the length of sinogram pixels in the angular direction). :vartype angles_diff: :class:`dict{numpy.dtype: numpy.ndarray}` """ # ensure physical quantities are suitable detector_width = float(detector_width) source_detector_dist = float(source_detector_dist) source_origin_dist = float(source_origin_dist) midpointshift = np.array(midpoint_shift) image_pixels = max(img_shape[0], img_shape[1]) # Choosing the number of detectors as the the diagonal # through the the image (in image_pixel scale) if none is given if n_detectors is None: nd = int(np.ceil(np.hypot(img_shape[0], img_shape[1]))) else: nd = n_detectors assert isinstance(nd, int), "Number of detectors must be integer" # compute midpoints of geometries midpoint_detectors = (nd-1.0)/2.0 midpoint_detectors = midpoint_detectors-detector_shift*nd\ / detector_width # ensure that indeed detector on the opposite side of the source assert (source_detector_dist > source_origin_dist),\ ('The origin is not ' + 'between detector and source') # In case no image_width is predetermined, image_width is chosen in # a way that the (square) image is always contained inside # the fan between source and detector if image_width is None: # distance from image_center to the outermost rays between # source and detector via projection to compute distance via # projectionvector (1,dd) after normalization, # is equal to delta_x*N_x dd = (0.5*detector_width-abs(detector_shift))/source_detector_dist image_width = 2*dd*source_origin_dist/np.sqrt(1+dd**2) assert image_width > 0, "The automatism for choosing the image_width"\ + " failed as the image can never"\ + " be fully contained in the fans from all directions "\ + "(most likely due to detector_shift being "\ + "larger than half the detector_width)! "\ + "Please set the image_width parameter by hand!" # ensure that source is outside the image domain # (otherwise fanbeam is not continuous in classical L2) assert (image_width*0.5*np.sqrt(1+(min(img_shape)/max(img_shape))**2) + np.linalg.norm(midpointshift) < source_origin_dist),\ ('The source is not outside the image domain') # Determine midpoint (in scaling 1 = 1 pixel width, # i.e., index of center) midpoint_x = (img_shape[0]-1)*0.5 - (midpointshift[0]*image_pixels / float(image_width)) midpoint_y = (img_shape[1]-1)*0.5 - (midpointshift[1]*image_pixels / float(image_width)) # adjust distances to pixel units, i.e. 1 unit corresponds # to the length of one image pixel source_detector_dist *= image_pixels/float(image_width) source_origin_dist *= image_pixels/float(image_width) detector_width *= image_pixels/float(image_width) # unit vector associated to the angle # (vector showing from source to detector) thetaX = np.cos(angles) thetaY = np.sin(angles) # Direction vector along the detector line normed to the length of a # single detector pixel (i.e. delta_s (in the scale of delta_x=1)) detector_orientation = {True: -1, False: 1}[reverse_detector] XD = thetaY*detector_width/nd*detector_orientation YD = -thetaX*detector_width/nd*detector_orientation # Direction vector leading to source from origin (with proper length RE) Qx = -thetaX*source_origin_dist Qy = -thetaY*source_origin_dist # Direction vector from origin to the detector # (projection of center onto detector) Dx0 = thetaX*(source_detector_dist-source_origin_dist) Dy0 = thetaY*(source_detector_dist-source_origin_dist) sinogram_shape = (nd, len(angles)) # Save for datatype float64 and float32 the relevant additional information # required for the computations ofs_dict = {} sdpd_dict = {} geo_dict = {} angle_diff_dict = {} for dtype in [np.dtype('float64'), np.dtype('float32')]: # save angular information into the ofs buffer ofs = np.zeros((8, len(angles)), dtype=dtype, order='F') ofs[0, :] = XD ofs[1, :] = YD ofs[2, :] = Qx ofs[3, :] = Qy ofs[4, :] = Dx0 ofs[5] = Dy0 ofs[6] = angle_weights ofs_dict[dtype] = ofs # determine source detector-pixel distance (=sqrt(R+xi**2)) # for scaling xi = (np.arange(0, nd) - midpoint_detectors)*detector_width/nd source_detectorpixel_distance = np.sqrt((xi)**2 + source_detector_dist**2) source_detectorpixel_distance = np.array( source_detectorpixel_distance, dtype=dtype, order='F') sdpd = np.zeros((1, len(source_detectorpixel_distance)), dtype=dtype, order='F') sdpd[0, :] = source_detectorpixel_distance[:] sdpd_dict[dtype] = sdpd # collect various geometric information necessary for computations geometry_info = np.array([source_detector_dist, source_origin_dist, detector_width/nd, midpoint_x, midpoint_y, midpoint_detectors, img_shape[0], img_shape[1], sinogram_shape[0], sinogram_shape[1], image_width/float(max(img_shape))], dtype=dtype, order='F') geo_dict[dtype] = geometry_info angle_diff_dict[dtype] = np.array(angle_weights, dtype=dtype) struct = {"img_shape": img_shape, "sinogram_shape": sinogram_shape, "ofs_dict": ofs_dict, "sdpd_dict": sdpd_dict, "image_width": image_width, "geo_dict": geo_dict, "angle_diff_dict": angle_diff_dict} return struct
[docs]def create_code(): """ Reads and creates CL code containing all OpenCL kernels of the gratopy toolbox. :return: The toolbox's CL code. :rtype: :class:`str` """ total_code = "" # go through all the source files for file in CL_FILES1: textfile = open(os.path.join(os.path.abspath( os.path.dirname(__file__)), file)) code_template = textfile.close() # go through all possible dtypes and contiguities and replace # the placeholders suitably for dtype in ["float", "double"]: for order1 in ["f", "c"]: for order2 in ["f", "c"]: total_code += code_template.replace( "\\my_variable_type", dtype)\ .replace("\\order1", order1)\ .replace("\\order2", order2) # go through all the source files for file in CL_FILES2: textfile = open(os.path.join(os.path.abspath( os.path.dirname(__file__)), file)) code_template = textfile.close() # go through all possible dtypes and contiguities and replace # the placeholders suitably for dtype in ["float", "double"]: for order1 in ["f", "c"]: total_code += code_template.replace( "\\my_variable_type", dtype).replace("\\order1", order1) return total_code
def upload_bufs(projectionsetting, dtype): """ Loads the buffers from projectionsetting of desired type onto the gpu, i.e., change the np.arrays to buffers and save in corresponding dictionaries of buffers. """ # upload ofs_buffer ofs = projectionsetting.ofs_buf[dtype] ofs_buf = cl.Buffer(projectionsetting.queue.context, cl.mem_flags.READ_ONLY, ofs.nbytes) cl.enqueue_copy(projectionsetting.queue, ofs_buf, # upload angle_weights angle_weights = projectionsetting.angle_weights_buf[dtype] angle_weights_buf = cl.Buffer(projectionsetting.queue.context, cl.mem_flags.READ_ONLY, angle_weights.nbytes) cl.enqueue_copy(projectionsetting.queue, angle_weights_buf, # upload geometric information geometry_information = projectionsetting.geometry_information[dtype] geometry_buf = cl.Buffer(projectionsetting.queue.context, cl.mem_flags.READ_ONLY, geometry_information.nbytes) cl.enqueue_copy(projectionsetting.queue, geometry_buf, # upload sdpd in case of fanbeam geometry if projectionsetting.is_fan: sdpd = projectionsetting.sdpd_buf[dtype] sdpd_buf = cl.Buffer(projectionsetting.queue.context, cl.mem_flags.READ_ONLY, sdpd.nbytes) cl.enqueue_copy(projectionsetting.queue, sdpd_buf, projectionsetting.sdpd_buf[dtype] = sdpd_buf # update buffer dictionaries projectionsetting.ofs_buf[dtype] = ofs_buf projectionsetting.geometry_information[dtype] = geometry_buf projectionsetting.angle_weights_buf[dtype] = angle_weights_buf def read_angles(angles, angle_weights, projectionsetting): """ Interprets angle set and computes (if necessary) the angle_weights suitably. """ if np.isscalar(angles): na = abs(angles) my_reverse = False if angles < 0: my_reverse = True # dependent on the geometry, create angles of full / half circle if projectionsetting.is_fan: angles = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, abs(angles)+1)[:-1] if angle_weights is None: angles_diff = np.ones(len(angles))*(2*np.pi/len(angles)) if projectionsetting.is_parallel: angles = np.linspace(0, np.pi, abs(angles)+1)[:-1] if angle_weights is None: angles_diff = np.ones(len(angles))*(np.pi/len(angles)) if my_reverse: angles = np.flip(angles) if angle_weights is None: angles_diff = np.flip(angles_diff) # In case a list of angles is given, also transform them to # list of list/array elif (isinstance(angles, (list, np.ndarray)) and np.isscalar(angles[0])): na = len(angles) angles = np.array(angles) if projectionsetting.is_fan: # sort angles angles_index = np.argsort(angles % (2*np.pi)) angles_sorted = angles[angles_index] % (2*np.pi) angles_extended = np.array(np.hstack([-2*np.pi+angles_sorted[-1], angles_sorted, angles_sorted[0] + 2*np.pi])) if projectionsetting.is_parallel: # sort angles angles_index = np.argsort(angles % (np.pi)) angles_sorted = angles[angles_index] % (np.pi) angles_extended = np.array(np.hstack([-np.pi+angles_sorted[-1], angles_sorted, angles_sorted[0] + np.pi])) # add first angle at end and last angle at beginning # to create full circle, and then compute suitable difference angles_diff = 0.5*(abs(angles_extended[2:na+2] - angles_extended[0:na])) # Correct for multiple occurrence of angles, for example # angles in [0,2pi] are considered instead of [0,pi] # and mod pi has same value) tol = 0.000001 na = len(angles_sorted) i = 0 while i < na-1: count = 1 sum = angles_diff[i] while abs(angles_sorted[i] - angles_sorted[i+count]) < tol: sum += angles_diff[i+count] count += 1 if i+count > na-1: break val = sum/count for j in range(i, i+count): angles_diff[j] = val i += count angles_diff_temp2 = np.zeros(angles_diff.shape) angles_diff_temp2[angles_index] = angles_diff angles_diff2 = np.zeros(angles_diff.shape) angles_diff2[angles_index] = angles_diff angles_diff = angles_diff2 # Go through list of angle informations # (the previous cases both lead to this as well) elif isinstance(angles[0], tuple) or isinstance(angles, tuple): if isinstance(angles, tuple): angles = [angles] na = len(angles) for j in range(na): assert(isinstance(angles[j], tuple)),\ ("When giving angles via tuples for limited angle setting " + " all subsets must be given in tuple form!") assert(len(angles[j]) == 3),\ ("When tuples are given for the limited angle setting," + " also angular bounds need to be given, i.e., " + "tuple consists of number of angles or angles themselves " + "as first entry and lower bound of angular range as " + "second, upper bound as third entry!") angles_new = [] angles_diff = [] for j in range(len(angles)): if isinstance(angles[j][0], int): # separate angular range (a,b) into na angles na = abs(angles[j][0]) lower_bound = angles[j][1] upper_bound = angles[j][2] delta = (upper_bound-lower_bound) / (na)*0.5 angles_current = np.linspace(lower_bound+delta, upper_bound-delta, na) if angles[j][0] < 0: angles_current = np.flip(angles_current) # case where a list of angles is given in the tuple if isinstance(angles[j][0], (list, np.ndarray)): angles_current = np.array(angles[j][0]) # try to access the angular_range information if given lower_bound = angles[j][1] upper_bound = angles[j][2] # update angles with currently extracted angles angles_new += list(angles_current) # compute angle_weights in fullangle setting if angle_weights is None: # reorder angles angles_sorted = np.sort(angles_current) angles_index = np.argsort(angles_current) # add suitable new angles, at front and beg angles_extended = np.array(np.hstack ([2*lower_bound - angles_sorted[0], angles_sorted, 2*upper_bound - angles_sorted[-1]]) ) # compute differences to neighboring angles to compute the # angle_weights angles_diff_temp = 0.5*(abs(angles_extended [2:len(angles_extended)] - angles_extended [0:len(angles_extended)-2])) # Correct for multiple occurrence of angles, for example # angles in [0,2pi] are considered instead of [0,pi] # and mod pi has same value) tol = 0.000001 na = len(angles_sorted) i = 0 while i < na-1: count = 1 sum = angles_diff_temp[i] while abs(angles_sorted[i] - angles_sorted[i+count]) < tol: sum += angles_diff_temp[i+count] count += 1 if i+count > na-1: break val = sum/count for j in range(i, i+count): angles_diff_temp[j] = val i += count angles_diff_temp2 = np.zeros(angles_diff_temp.shape) angles_diff_temp2[angles_index] = angles_diff_temp # update angle_diff with newly computed angle diffs angles_diff += list(angles_diff_temp2) # write angles_new and angles_diff as np.arrays (instead of lists) angles = np.array(angles_new) na = len(angles) if angle_weights is None: angle_weights = np.array(angles_diff) elif np.isscalar(angle_weights): angle_weights = np.ones(na) * angle_weights elif isinstance(angle_weights, (list, np.ndarray)): assert(na == len(angle_weights)),\ ("The angle_weights given by the user do not have the same " + "length as the number of angles considered") angle_weights = np.array(angle_weights) return angles, angle_weights
[docs]class ProjectionSettings(): """ Creates and stores all relevant information concerning the projection geometry. Serves as a parameter for virtually all gratopy's functions. :param queue: The OpenCL command queue with which the computations are associated. :type queue: :class:`pyopencl.CommandQueue` :param geometry: Determines whether parallel beam (:const:`gratopy.RADON`) or fanbeam geometry (:const:`gratopy.FANBEAM`) is considered. :type geometry: :class:`int` :param img_shape: The number of pixels of the image in x- and y-direction respectively, i.e., the image dimension. It is assumed that by default, the center of rotation is in the middle of the grid of quadratic pixels. The midpoint can, however, be shifted, see the **midpoint_shift** parameter. :type img_shape: :class:`tuple` :math:`(N_x,N_y)` :param angles: Determines which angles are considered for the projection. An integer is interpreted as the number :math:`N_a` of uniformly distributed angles in the angular range :math:`[0,\\pi[`, :math:`[0,2\\pi[` for Radon and fanbeam transform, respectively, where for negative integers the same angles according to its modulus but with reversed order are generated. Alternatively, the angles can be given explicitly as a :class:`list` or :class:`numpy.ndarray`. These two options also imply a full angle setting (as opposed to limited angle setting). A limited angle setting can be specified in two ways. First, a list of angular range sections can be passed as input. An angular range section is a :class:`tuple` with either an integer or a list/array of angles (first element) together with a pair specifying the lower and upper bound of the angular range interval (second and third element), i.e., of type :class:`tuple(int, float, float)` or :class:`tuple(list[float], float, float)`. If the first element is an integer, the angular interval will be uniformly partitioned into the modulus number of angles (note that the first and last angles are not the lower/upper bounds to ensure uniform angle weights) again in increasing or decreasing order, depending on the sign. Otherwise, a list or array specifying the individual angles is expected. In particular, multiple angular sections can be specified, by passing a list of angular range sections. Alternatively, one can use a list of angles and set **angle_weigths** (see below) manually to suitable values by passing a scalar, a list or an array. :type angles: :class:`int`, :class:`list[float]` / :class:`numpy.ndarray`, :class:`list[tuple(int/list[float]/numpy.ndarray, float, float)]` :param n_detectors: The number :math:`N_s` of (equi-spaced) detector pixels considered. When :obj:`None`, :math:`N_s` will be chosen as :math:`\\sqrt{N_x^2+N_y^2}`. :type n_detectors: :class:`int`, default :obj:`None` :param angle_weights: The weights :math:`(\\Delta_a)_a` associated with the angles, which influences the weighting of the rays for the backprojection. See :ref:`adjointness` for a more detailed description. If :obj:`None` (by default), the weights are computed automatically based on the **angles** parameter. In the full angle setting, this automatism considers a partition of the half circle for parallel beam and the full circle for fanbeam geometry based on the given angles and sets the angle weight to the average of the distances from of an angle to its two neighbors (in the sense of a circle). Similarly, in the limited angle case, each angle section is partitioned by the angles associated with this section and the weights are chosen taking additionally the boundary of the section into account. In case of a scalar input, this scalar will be used as the (constant) angle weight for all angles. Further, all angle weights can directly be set by passing an input of type :class:`list[float]` or :class:`numpy.ndarray` of suitable length. :type angle_weights: :obj:`None`, :class:`float`, :class:`list[float]` or :class:`numpy.ndarray`, default :obj:`None` :param detector_width: Physical length of the detector. For standard Radon transformation this can usually remain fixed at the default value (together with image\\_width). :type detector_width: :class:`float`, default 2.0 :param image_width: Physical size of the image indicated by the length of the longer side of the rectangular image domain. For parallel beam geometry, when :obj:`None`, **image_width** is chosen as 2.0. For fanbeam geometry, when :obj:`None`, **image_width** is chosen such that the projections exactly capture the image domain. To illustrate, choosing **image_width** = **detector_width** results in the standard Radon transform with each projection touching the entire object, while **img_width** = 2 **detector_width** results in each projection capturing only half of the image. :type image_width: :class:`float`, default :obj:`None` :param R: Physical (orthogonal) distance from source to detector line. Has no impact for parallel beam geometry. :type R: :class:`float`, **must be set for fanbeam geometry** :param RE: Physical distance from source to origin (center of rotation). Has no impact for parallel beam geometry. :type RE: :class:`float`, **must be set for fanbeam geometry** :param detector_shift: Physical shift of all detector pixels along the detector line. Defaults to the application of no shift, i.e., the detector pixels span the range [-**detector_width**/2, **detector_width**/2]. :type detector_shift: :class:`list[float]`, default 0.0 :param midpoint_shift: Two-dimensional vector representing the shift of the image away from center of rotation. Defaults to the application of no shift, i.e., the center of rotation is also the center of the image. :type midpoint_shift: :class:`list`, default [0.0, 0.0] :param reverse_detector: When :attr:`True`, the detector direction is flipped in case of fanbeam geometry, i.e., the positive and negative detector positions are swapped. This parameter has no effect for parallel geometry. When activated together with swapping the sign of the angles, this has the same effect for projection as mirroring the image. :type reverse_detector: :class:`bool`, default :attr:`False` These input parameters create attributes of the same name in an instance of :class:`ProjectionSettings`, though the corresponding values might be slightly restructured by internal processes. Further useful attributes are listed below. It is advised not to set these attributes directly but rather to choose suitable input parameters for the initialization. :ivar is_parallel: :obj:`True` if the geometry is for parallel beams, :obj:`False` otherwise. :vartype is_parallel: :class:`bool` :ivar is_fan: :obj:`True` if the geometry is for fanbeam geometry, :obj:`False` otherwise. :vartype is_fan: :class:`bool` :ivar angles: Angles from which projections are considered. :vartype angles: :class:`numpy.ndarray` :ivar n_angles: Number of all angles :math:`N_a`. :vartype n_angles: :class:`int` :ivar sinogram_shape: Represents the number of considered detectors (**n_detectors**) and angles (**n_angles**). :vartype sinogram_shape: :class:`tuple` :math:`(N_s,N_a)` :ivar delta_x: Physical width and height :math:`\\delta_x` of the image pixels. :vartype delta_x: :class:`float` :ivar delta_s: Physical width :math:`\\delta_s` of a detector pixel. :vartype delta_s: :class:`float` :ivar delta_ratio: Ratio :math:`{\\delta_s}/{\\delta_x}`, i.e. the detector pixel width relative to unit image pixels. :vartype delta_ratio: :class:`float` :ivar angle_weights: Represents the angular discretization width for each angle which are used to weight the projections, see parameter angle_weights above. When none was given as input, the angle_weights chosen by the automatism will be written to this variable. :vartype angle_weights: :class:`numpy.ndarray` :ivar prg: OpenCL program containing the gratopy OpenCL kernels. For the corresponding code, see :class:`gratopy.create_code` :vartype prg: :class:`gratopy.Program` :ivar struct: Data used in the projection operator. Contains in particular dictionaries of :class:`numpy.ndarray` associated to precision single and double with the angular information necessary for computations. :vartype struct: :class:`dict` see :func:`radon_struct` and :func:`fanbeam_struct` returns """ def __init__(self, queue, geometry, img_shape, angles, n_detectors=None, angle_weights=None, detector_width=2.0, image_width=None, R=None, RE=None, detector_shift=0.0, midpoint_shift=[0., 0.], reverse_detector=False): self.geometry = geometry self.queue = queue # build program containing OpenCL code self.adjusted_code = create_code() self.prg = Program(queue.context, self.adjusted_code) if np.isscalar(img_shape): img_shape = (img_shape, img_shape) # only planar img_shape is of relevance if len(img_shape) > 2: img_shape = img_shape[0:2] self.img_shape = img_shape # Check that given geometry is indeed available if self.geometry not in [RADON, PARALLEL, FAN, FANBEAM]: raise ValueError("unknown projection_type, projection_type " + "must be PARALLEL or FAN") if self.geometry in [RADON, PARALLEL]: self.is_parallel = True self.is_fan = False # set relevant forward and backprojection functions self.forwardprojection = radon self.backprojection = radon_ad # The kernel-functions according to the possible data types float32 = np.dtype('float32') float64 = np.dtype('float64') self.functions = {(float32, 0, 0): self.prg.radon_float_ff, (float32, 1, 0): self.prg.radon_float_cf, (float32, 0, 1): self.prg.radon_float_fc, (float32, 1, 1): self.prg.radon_float_cc, (float64, 0, 0): self.prg.radon_double_ff, (float64, 1, 0): self.prg.radon_double_cf, (float64, 0, 1): self.prg.radon_double_fc, (float64, 1, 1): self.prg.radon_double_cc} self.functions_ad = {(float32, 0, 0): self.prg.radon_ad_float_ff, (float32, 1, 0): self.prg.radon_ad_float_cf, (float32, 0, 1): self.prg.radon_ad_float_fc, (float32, 1, 1): self.prg.radon_ad_float_cc, (float64, 0, 0): self.prg.radon_ad_double_ff, (float64, 1, 0): self.prg.radon_ad_double_cf, (float64, 0, 1): self.prg.radon_ad_double_fc, (float64, 1, 1): self.prg.radon_ad_double_cc} if self.geometry in [FAN, FANBEAM]: self.is_parallel = False self.is_fan = True # set relevant forward and backprojection functions self.forwardprojection = fanbeam self.backprojection = fanbeam_ad # The kernel-functions according to the possible data types float32 = np.dtype('float32') float64 = np.dtype('float64') self.functions = {(float32, 0, 0): self.prg.fanbeam_float_ff, (float32, 1, 0): self.prg.fanbeam_float_cf, (float32, 0, 1): self.prg.fanbeam_float_fc, (float32, 1, 1): self.prg.fanbeam_float_cc, (float64, 0, 0): self.prg.fanbeam_double_ff, (float64, 1, 0): self.prg.fanbeam_double_cf, (float64, 0, 1): self.prg.fanbeam_double_fc, (float64, 1, 1): self.prg.fanbeam_double_cc} self.functions_ad = { (float32, 0, 0): self.prg.fanbeam_ad_float_ff, (float32, 1, 0): self.prg.fanbeam_ad_float_cf, (float32, 0, 1): self.prg.fanbeam_ad_float_fc, (float32, 1, 1): self.prg.fanbeam_ad_float_cc, (float64, 0, 0): self.prg.fanbeam_ad_double_ff, (float64, 1, 0): self.prg.fanbeam_ad_double_cf, (float64, 0, 1): self.prg.fanbeam_ad_double_fc, (float64, 1, 1): self.prg.fanbeam_ad_double_cc} # extract suitable angles information angles, angles_diff = read_angles(angles, angle_weights, self) self.n_angles = len(angles) self.angle_weights = angles_diff self.angles = angles if n_detectors is None: self.n_detectors = int(np.ceil(np.hypot(img_shape[0], img_shape[1]))) else: self.n_detectors = n_detectors self.sinogram_shape = (self.n_detectors, self.n_angles) # add various values as attributes self.image_width = image_width self.angles = angles self.sinogram_shape = (self.n_detectors, self.n_angles) self.detector_shift = detector_shift self.midpoint_shift = midpoint_shift self.detector_width = detector_width self.R = R self.RE = RE self.reverse_detector = reverse_detector # Dictionary which will be used to indicate whether the buffers # in corresponding dtype are uploaded to the gpu self.buf_upload = {} # warning that reverse_detector has no impact on parallel beam setting if ((self.reverse_detector) and (self.is_parallel)): print("WARNING, the reverse_detector argument has no impact" + " on the parallel beam setting. To reverse the angles," + " the angles parameter can be translated by np.pi") if self.is_fan: # assert that R and RE are set for fanbeam parameters_available = not ((R is None) or (RE is None)) assert parameters_available, ("For the Fanbeam geometry " + "you need to set R (the normal " + "distance from source to detector)" + " and RE (distance from source to " + "coordinate origin which is the " + "rotation center)") # create fanbeam_struct self.struct = fanbeam_struct(queue=self.queue, img_shape=self.img_shape, angles=self.angles, angle_weights=self.angle_weights, detector_width=self.detector_width, source_detector_dist=self.R, source_origin_dist=self.RE, n_detectors=self.n_detectors, detector_shift=self.detector_shift, image_width=image_width, midpoint_shift=self.midpoint_shift, reverse_detector=self.reverse_detector ) # extract relevant information from struct and write as attribute self.ofs_buf = self.struct["ofs_dict"] self.sdpd_buf = self.struct["sdpd_dict"] self.image_width = self.struct["image_width"] self.geometry_information = self.struct["geo_dict"] self.angle_weights_buf = self.struct["angle_diff_dict"] self.angle_weights = self.angle_weights_buf[ np.dtype("float")].copy() self.delta_x = float(self.image_width)/max(img_shape) self.delta_s = float(detector_width)/n_detectors self.delta_ratio = self.delta_s/self.delta_x if self.is_parallel: # if image_width is not given, set by default to 2 if image_width is None: self.image_width = 2. else: self.image_width = float(self.image_width) # create radon_struct self.struct = radon_struct(queue=self.queue, img_shape=self.img_shape, angles=self.angles, angle_weights=self.angle_weights, n_detectors=self.n_detectors, detector_width=self.detector_width, image_width=self.image_width, midpoint_shift=self.midpoint_shift, detector_shift=self.detector_shift, ) # extract relevant information from struct and write as attribute self.ofs_buf = self.struct["ofs_dict"] self.delta_x = self.image_width/max(self.img_shape) self.delta_s = self.detector_width/self.n_detectors self.delta_ratio = self.delta_s/self.delta_x self.geometry_information = self.struct["geo_dict"] self.angle_weights_buf = self.struct["angle_diff_dict"] self.angle_weights = self.angle_weights_buf[ np.dtype("float")].copy() def ensure_dtype(self, dtype): """ Uploads buffers for ProjectionSetting with given dtype to the gpu (so they are ready to be used by the projection operators), in case they were not yet uploaded. """ if dtype not in self.buf_upload: upload_bufs(self, dtype) self.buf_upload[dtype] = 1 def set_angle_weights(self, angle_weights): """ Allows to set the angle_weights in the projection-setting to arbitrary values. :param angle_weights: The array with angle_weights to set to. :type angle_weights: :class:`numpy.ndarray` """ if self.is_parallel: self.struct = radon_struct(self.queue, self.img_shape, self.angles, angle_weights=angle_weights, n_detectors=self.n_detectors, detector_width=self.detector_width, image_width=self.image_width, midpoint_shift=self.midpoint_shift, detector_shift=self.detector_shift, ) if self.is_fan: self.struct = fanbeam_struct(self.queue, self.img_shape, self.angles, angle_weights=angle_weights, detector_width=self.detector_width, source_detector_dist=self.R, source_origin_dist=self.RE, n_detectors=self.n_detectors, detector_shift=self.detector_shift, image_width=self.image_width, midpoint_shift=self.midpoint_shift, reverse_detector=self.reverse_detector ) self.ofs_buf = self.struct["ofs_dict"] self.angle_weights_buf = self.struct["angle_diff_dict"] self.angle_weights = self.angle_weights_buf[ np.dtype("float")].copy() # Make sure buffers are uploaded if necessary for dtype in [np.dtype("float32"), np.dtype("float64")]: if dtype in self.buf_upload: ofs = self.ofs_buf[dtype] ofs_buf = cl.Buffer(self.queue.context, cl.mem_flags.READ_ONLY, ofs.nbytes) cl.enqueue_copy(self.queue, ofs_buf, # upload angle_weights angle_weights = self.angle_weights_buf[dtype] angle_weights_buf = cl.Buffer(self.queue.context, cl.mem_flags.READ_ONLY, angle_weights.nbytes) cl.enqueue_copy(self.queue, angle_weights_buf, self.ofs_buf[dtype] = ofs_buf self.angle_weights_buf[dtype] = angle_weights_buf
[docs] def show_geometry(self, angle, figure=None, axes=None, show=True): """ Visualize the geometry associated with the projection settings. This can be useful in checking that indeed, the correct input for the desired geometry was given. :param angle: The angle for which the projection is considered. :type angle: :class:`float` :param figure: Figure in which to plot. If neither **figure** nor **axes** are given, a new figure (``figure(0)``) will be created. :type figure: :class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure`, default :obj:`None` :param axes: Axes to plot into. If :obj:`None`, a new axes inside the figure is created. :type axes: :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes`, default :obj:`None` :param show: Determines whether the resulting plot is immediately shown (:obj:`True`). If :obj:`False`, :func:`` can be used at a later point to show the figure. :type show: :class:`bool`, default :obj:`True` :return: Figure and axes in which the geometry visualization is plotted. :rtype: tuple(:class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure`, :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes`) """ # Create figure if neither figure nor axes is given if (figure is None) and (axes is None): figure = plt.figure(0) # create axes if non are given beforehand in the figure if (axes is None): fig_axes = figure.get_axes() if len(fig_axes) == 0: axes = figure.add_subplot() else: axes = fig_axes[0] axes.clear() if self.is_fan: detector_width = self.detector_width source_detector_dist = self.R source_origin_dist = self.RE image_width = self.image_width midpoint_shift = self.midpoint_shift # switch around for x,y directions (for xy vs indices xy) midpoint_shift = [midpoint_shift[0], midpoint_shift[1]] # suitable axis-bounds maxsize = max(self.RE, np.sqrt((self.R-self.RE)**2 + detector_width**2/4.)) # Rotation matrix angle = -angle A = np.array([[np.cos(angle), np.sin(angle)], [-np.sin(angle), np.cos(angle)]]) # relevant positions for geometry with angle = 0 sourceposition = [-source_origin_dist, 0] upper_detector = [source_detector_dist-source_origin_dist, detector_width*0.5-self.detector_shift] lower_detector = [source_detector_dist-source_origin_dist, - detector_width*0.5-self.detector_shift] central_detector = [ source_detector_dist-source_origin_dist, 0] # Rotate these positions around sourceposition =, sourceposition) upper_detector =, upper_detector) lower_detector =, lower_detector) central_detector =, central_detector) # Connect upper and lower detector edge to create detector line axes.plot([upper_detector[0], lower_detector[0]], [upper_detector[1], lower_detector[1]], "k") # Connect source position with upper and lower detector edge axes.plot([sourceposition[0], upper_detector[0]], [sourceposition[1], upper_detector[1]], "g") axes.plot([sourceposition[0], lower_detector[0]], [sourceposition[1], lower_detector[1]], "g") # connect source with central detector_positoin axes.plot([sourceposition[0], central_detector[0]], [sourceposition[1], central_detector[1]], "g") # draw outer circle representing all touched by the image draw_circle = matplotlib.patches.Circle( midpoint_shift, image_width/2 * np.sqrt(1 + (min(self.img_shape) / max(self.img_shape))**2), color='r') axes.add_artist(draw_circle) # draw rectangle representing the image color = (1, 1, 0) rect = plt.Rectangle(midpoint_shift-0.5 * np.array([image_width*self.img_shape[0] / np.max(self.img_shape), image_width*self.img_shape[1] / np.max(self.img_shape)]), image_width * self.img_shape[0] / np.max(self.img_shape), image_width * self.img_shape[1] / np.max(self.img_shape), facecolor=color, edgecolor=color) axes.add_artist(rect) # draw inner circle representing the object to be observed draw_circle = matplotlib.patches.Circle(midpoint_shift, image_width/2, color='b') axes.add_artist(draw_circle) # draw small circle representing the center of rotation draw_circle = matplotlib.patches.Circle((0, 0), image_width/10, color='k') axes.add_artist(draw_circle) if self.is_parallel: detector_width = self.detector_width image_width = self.image_width midpoint_shift = self.midpoint_shift # switch around for x,y directions (for xy vs indices xy) midpoint_shift = [midpoint_shift[0], midpoint_shift[1]] # Rotation matrix angle = -angle A = np.array([[np.cos(angle), np.sin(angle)], [-np.sin(angle), np.cos(angle)]]) # relevant positions for geometry with angle = 0 center_source = [-image_width, -self.detector_shift] center_detector = [image_width, -self.detector_shift] upper_source = [-image_width, -self.detector_shift+0.5*detector_width] lower_source = [-image_width, -self.detector_shift-0.5*detector_width] upper_detector = [image_width, -self.detector_shift+0.5*detector_width] lower_detector = [image_width, -self.detector_shift-0.5*detector_width] # Rotate these positions around center_source =, center_source) center_detector =, center_detector) upper_source =, upper_source) lower_source =, lower_source) upper_detector =, upper_detector) lower_detector =, lower_detector) # Connect center of source to center of detector axes.plot([center_source[0], center_detector[0]], [center_source[1], center_detector[1]], "g") # connect lower/upper edges of detector and source axes.plot([lower_source[0], lower_detector[0]], [lower_source[1], lower_detector[1]], "g") axes.plot([upper_source[0], upper_detector[0]], [upper_source[1], upper_detector[1]], "g") # connect lower with upper detector edge creating the detector line axes.plot([lower_detector[0], upper_detector[0]], [lower_detector[1], upper_detector[1]], "k") # draw outer circle representing all the regions # touched by the image draw_circle = matplotlib.patches.Circle(midpoint_shift, image_width/np.sqrt(2), color='r') axes.add_artist(draw_circle) # draw rectangle representing the image-area color = (1, 1, 0) draw_rectangle = matplotlib.patches.Rectangle( midpoint_shift - 0.5*np.array([image_width*self.img_shape[0] / np.max(self.img_shape), image_width * self.img_shape[1] / np.max(self.img_shape)]), image_width * self.img_shape[0] / np.max(self.img_shape), image_width * self.img_shape[1] / np.max(self.img_shape), facecolor=color, edgecolor=color) axes.add_artist(draw_rectangle) # draw inner circle representing the object to be observed draw_circle = matplotlib.patches.Circle(midpoint_shift, image_width/2, color='b') axes.add_artist(draw_circle) # draw small circle in the center of rotation draw_circle = matplotlib.patches.Circle((0, 0), image_width/10, color='k') axes.add_artist(draw_circle) # set suitable axis-limits maxsize = np.sqrt(image_width**2+detector_width**2) axes.set_xlim([-maxsize, maxsize]) axes.set_ylim([-maxsize, maxsize]) axes.set_xlabel("x-direction") axes.set_ylabel("y-direction") # show plot if show parameter is set if show and (figure is not None): return figure, axes
[docs] def create_sparse_matrix(self, dtype=np.dtype('float32'), order='F'): """ Creates a sparse matrix representation of the associated forward projection. :param dtype: Precision to compute the sparse representation in. :type dtype: :class:`numpy.dtype`, default :attr:`numpy.float32` :param order: Contiguity of the image and sinogram array to the transform, can be ``F`` or ``C``. :type order: :class:`str`, default ``F`` :return: Sparse matrix corresponding to the forward projection. :rtype: :class:`scipy.sparse.coo_matrix` Note that for high resolution projection operators, this may require infeasibly much time and memory. """ # Suitable kernels dependent on data types if self.is_parallel: functions = { (np.dtype("float32"), 0): self.prg.single_line_radon_float_ff, (np.dtype("float32"), 1): self.prg.single_line_radon_float_cc, (np.dtype("float64"), 0): self.prg.single_line_radon_double_ff, (np.dtype("float64"), 1): self.prg.single_line_radon_double_cc } elif self.is_fan: functions = { (np.dtype("float32"), 0): self.prg.single_line_fan_float_ff, (np.dtype("float32"), 1): self.prg.single_line_fan_float_cc, (np.dtype("float64"), 0): self.prg.single_line_fan_double_ff, (np.dtype("float64"), 1): self.prg.single_line_fan_double_cc } # choose relevant function dtype = np.dtype(dtype) function = functions[(np.dtype(dtype), order == 'C')] # ensure buffers with suitable dtype are uploaded self.ensure_dtype(dtype) # get corresponding buffers ofs_buf = self.ofs_buf[dtype] if self.is_fan: sdpd_buf = self.sdpd_buf[dtype] geometry_information = self.geometry_information[dtype] # define application of the projection function # (arguments depend on geometry) if self.is_parallel: def projection_from_single_pixel(x, y, sino=None, wait_for=[]): myevent = function(sino.queue, sino.shape, None,, np.int32( x), np.int32(y), ofs_buf, geometry_information, sino.add_event(myevent) else: def projection_from_single_pixel(x, y, sino=None, wait_for=[]): myevent = function(sino.queue, sino.shape, None,, np.int32(x), np.int32( y), ofs_buf, sdpd_buf, geometry_information, sino.add_event(myevent) epsilon = 0 # select suitable position dependent on contiguity if order == "F": def pos_1(x, y): return x+Nx*y def pos_2(s, phi): return s+Ns*phi elif order == "C": def pos_1(x, y): return x*Ny+y def pos_2(s, phi): return s*Na+phi else: print("Order (contiguity) not recognized, suitable choices are" + "'F' or 'C'") raise # discretization parameters Nx = self.img_shape[0] Ny = self.img_shape[1] Ns = self.sinogram_shape[0] Na = self.sinogram_shape[1] # create empty img and sinogram img = clarray.zeros(self.queue, self.img_shape, dtype=dtype, order=order) sino = forwardprojection(img, self) # lists to save values into rows = [] cols = [] vals = [] # go through all pixels and put a delta peak at the position x,y and # consider the resulting sinogram for x in range(Nx): if x % int(Nx/100.) == 0: sys.stdout.write('\rProgress at {:3.0%}' .format(float(x)/Nx)) for y in range(Ny): # compute projection for delta peaks in x,y and write onto sino projection_from_single_pixel(x, y, sino) sinonew = sino.get() pos = pos_1(x, y) # where non-zero values were added index = np.where(sinonew > epsilon) for i in range(len(index[0])): s = index[0][i] phi = index[1][i] pos2 = pos_2(s, phi) # save values into corresponding lists rows.append(pos2) cols.append(pos) vals.append(sinonew[s, phi]) print("\rSparse matrix creation complete") # create sparse matrix sparsematrix = scipy.sparse.coo_matrix((vals, (rows, cols)), shape=(Ns*Na, Nx*Ny)) return sparsematrix
[docs]def weight_sinogram(sino, projectionsetting, sino_out=None, divide=False, wait_for=[]): """ Performs an angular rescaling of a given sinogram via multiplication (or division) with the projection's angle weights (size of projections in angle dimension, see attributes of :class:`ProjectionSettings`) to the respective projections. This can be useful, e.g., for computing norms or dual pairings in the appropriate Hilbert space. :param sino: The sinogram whose rescaling is computed. This array itself remains unchanged unless the same array is given as **sino_out**. :type sino: :class:`pyopencl.array.Array` :type img: :class:`pyopencl.array.Array` :param projectionsetting: The geometry settings for which the rescaling is computed. :type projectionsetting: :class:`gratopy.ProjectionSettings` :param sino_out: The array in which the result of rescaling is saved. If :obj:`None` (per default) is given, a new array will be created and returned. When giving the same array as **sino**, the values in **sino** will be overwritten. :type sino_out: :class:`pyopencl.array.Array` default :obj:`None` :param divide: Determines whether the sinogram is divided (instead of multiplied) by the angular weights. If :obj:`True`, a division is performed, otherwise, the weights are multiplied. :type divide: :class:`bool`, default :obj:`False` :param wait_for: The events to wait for before performing the computation in order to avoid, e.g., race conditions, see :class:`pyopencl.Event`. This program will always wait for and (so you need not add them to wait_for). :type wait_for: :class:`list[pyopencl.Event]`, default :attr:`[]` :return: The weighted sinogram. If **sino_out** is not :obj:`None`, it is returned with the values in its data overwritten. In particular, giving the same array for sino and sino_out will overwrite this array. :rtype: :class:`pyopencl.array.Array` """ # define type of data considered dtype = sino.dtype my_order = {0: 'F', 1: 'C'}[sino.flags.c_contiguous] # create new sino_out when None is given if sino_out is None: sino_out = clarray.zeros(sino.queue, sino.shape, dtype=dtype, order=my_order) # choose between the suitable kernel to apply, in particular between divide # and multiplication float32 = np.dtype("float32") float64 = np.dtype("float64") if divide is False: functions = { (float32, "C"): projectionsetting.prg.multiply_float_c, (float32, "F"): projectionsetting.prg.multiply_float_f, (float64, "C"): projectionsetting.prg.multiply_double_c, (float64, "F"): projectionsetting.prg.multiply_double_f } elif divide is True: functions = { (float32, "C"): projectionsetting.prg.divide_float_c, (float32, "F"): projectionsetting.prg.divide_float_f, (float64, "C"): projectionsetting.prg.divide_double_c, (float64, "F"): projectionsetting.prg.divide_double_f } function = functions[dtype, my_order] # ensure buffers of the right dtype are uploaded onto the gpu projectionsetting.ensure_dtype(dtype) # execute weighting by calling the kernel myevent = function(sino.queue, sino.shape, None,, projectionsetting.angle_weights_buf[dtype],, sino_out.add_event(myevent) return sino_out
def equ_mul_add(rhs, a, x, projectionsetting, wait_for=[]): """ Executes the calculation rhs+=a*y inside a kernel to avoid memory issues. """ # choose correct kernel to use dtype = x.dtype function = {np.dtype("float32"): projectionsetting.prg.equ_mul_add_float_c, np.dtype("float64"): projectionsetting.prg.equ_mul_add_double_c }[dtype] # execute operation myevent = function(x.queue, [x.size], None,, a,, rhs.add_event(myevent) return rhs def mul_add_add(rhs, a, x, y, projectionsetting, wait_for=[]): """ Executes the calculation rhs=a*x+y inside a kernel to avoid memory issues. """ # choose correct kernel to use dtype = x.dtype function = {np.dtype("float32"): projectionsetting.prg.mul_add_add_float_c, np.dtype("float64"): projectionsetting.prg.mul_add_add_double_c }[dtype] # execute operation myevent = function(x.queue, [x.size], None,, a,,, rhs.add_event(myevent) return rhs
[docs]def normest(projectionsetting, number_iterations=50, dtype='float32', allocator=None): """ Estimate the spectral norm of the projection operator via power iteration, i.e., the operator norm with respect to the norms discussed in :ref:`section concerning adjointness <adjointness>`. Useful for iterative methods that require such an estimate, e.g., :func:`landweber` or :func:`total_variation`. :param projectionsetting: The geometry settings for which the projection is considered. :type projectionsetting: :class:`gratopy.ProjectionSettings` :param number_iterations: The number of iterations to terminate after. :type number_iterations: :class:`int`, default 50 :param dtype: Precision for which to apply the projection operator (which is not supposed to impact the estimate significantly). :type dtype: :class:`numpy.dtype`, default :attr:`numpy.float32` :return: An estimate of the spectral norm for the projection operator. :rtype: :class:`float` """ queue = projectionsetting.queue # random starting point img = clarray.to_device(queue, np.require(np.random.randn( *projectionsetting.img_shape), dtype, 'F'), allocator=allocator) sino = forwardprojection(img, projectionsetting) # power_iteration for i in range(number_iterations): # rescaling iterate normsqr = float(clarray.sum(img).get()) img /= normsqr # compute next iterate forwardprojection(img, projectionsetting, sino=sino) backprojection(sino, projectionsetting, img=img) return np.sqrt(normsqr)
[docs]def landweber(sino, projectionsetting, number_iterations=100, w=1): """ Performs a Landweber iteration [L1951]_ to approximate a solution to the image reconstruction problem associated with a projection and sinogram. This method is also known as SIRT. :param sino: Sinogram data to reconstruct from. :type sino: :class:`pyopencl.array.Array` :param projectionsetting: The geometry settings for which the projection is considered. :type projectionsetting: :class:`gratopy.ProjectionSettings` :param number_iterations: Number of iteration steps to be performed. :type number_iterations: :class:`int`, default 100 :param w: Relaxation parameter weighted by the norm of the projection operator (w<1 guarantees convergence). :type w: :class:`float`, default 1 :return: Reconstruction from given sinogram gained via Landweber iteration. :rtype: :class:`pyopencl.array.Array` .. [L1951] Landweber, L. "An iteration formula for Fredholm integral equations of the first kind." Amer. J. Math. 73, 615--624 (1951). """ # Order to consider solution in my_order = {0: 'F', 1: 'C'}[sino.flags.c_contiguous] # Set relaxation parameter norm_estimate = normest(projectionsetting, allocator=sino.allocator) w = sino.dtype.type(w/norm_estimate**2) # create required variables sinonew = sino.copy() U = w*backprojection(sinonew, projectionsetting) Unew = clarray.zeros(projectionsetting.queue, U.shape, dtype=sino.dtype, order=my_order, allocator=sino.allocator) # execute landweber iteration for i in range(number_iterations): sys.stdout.write('\rProgress at {:3.0%}' .format(float(i)/number_iterations)) forwardprojection(Unew, projectionsetting, sino=sinonew) sinonew -= sino # Unew = Unew-w*backprojection(sinonew, projectionsetting, img=U) equ_mul_add(Unew, -w, backprojection(sinonew, projectionsetting, img=U), projectionsetting, wait_for=[]) print('\rLandweber reconstruction complete') return Unew
[docs]def conjugate_gradients(sino, projectionsetting, number_iterations=20, epsilon=0.0, x0=None): """ Performs a conjugate gradients iteration [HS1952]_ to approximate a solution to the image reconstruction problem associated with a projection and sinogram. :param sino: Sinogram data to invert. :type sino: :class:`pyopencl.array.Array` :param projectionsetting: The geometry settings for which the projection is considered. :type projectionsetting: :class:`gratopy.ProjectionSettings` :param number_iterations: Maximal number of iteration steps to be performed. :type number_iterations: :class:`float`, default 20 :param x0: Initial guess for iteration (defaults to zeros if :obj:`None`). :type x0: :class:`pyopencl.array.Array`, default :obj:`None` :param epsilon: Tolerance parameter, the iteration stops if relative residual<epsilon. :type epsilon: :class:`float`, default 0.00 :return: Reconstruction gained via conjugate gradients iteration. :rtype: :class:`pyopencl.array.Array` .. [HS1952] Hestenes, M. R., Stiefel, E. "Methods of Conjugate Gradients for Solving Linear Systems." Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards, 49:409--436 (1952). """ # Determine suitable dimensions dimensions = projectionsetting.img_shape dimensions2 = (1, projectionsetting.n_angles) if len(sino.shape) > 2: dimensions = dimensions+tuple([sino.shape[2]]) dimensions2 = dimensions2+tuple([1]) # order of data order = {0: 'F', 1: 'C'}[sino.flags.c_contiguous] # create zeros startingpoint if no startingpoint was given if x0 is None: x0 = clarray.zeros(projectionsetting.queue, dimensions, sino.dtype, order) assert(x0.flags.c_contiguous == sino.flags.c_contiguous), ( "The data sino and initial guess x0 must have the same contiguity!") x = x0.copy() # preliminary initializations d = sino-forwardprojection(x, projectionsetting) p = backprojection(d, projectionsetting) q = clarray.empty_like(d, projectionsetting.queue) q_rescaled = q.copy() snew = backprojection(d, projectionsetting) sold = snew.copy() # Execute conjugate gradients for k in range(0, number_iterations): sys.stdout.write('\rProgress at {:3.0%}' .format(float(k)/number_iterations)) forwardprojection(p, projectionsetting, sino=q) # q=Tp alpha = x.dtype.type(projectionsetting.delta_x**2 # alpha=norm(sold)^2 / (projectionsetting.delta_s) # / norm(q)^2 * (clarray.vdot(sold, sold) / clarray.vdot(weight_sinogram(q, projectionsetting, q_rescaled), q)).get()) equ_mul_add(x, +alpha, p, projectionsetting) # x += alpha*p equ_mul_add(d, -alpha, q, projectionsetting) # d -= alpha*q backprojection(d, projectionsetting, img=snew) # snew=T*d beta = (clarray.vdot(snew, snew) # beta = norm(snew)^2/norm(sold)^2 / clarray.vdot(sold, sold)).get() (sold, snew) = (snew, sold) # swap snew and sold mul_add_add(p, beta, p, sold, projectionsetting) # p = beta*p+sold residue = np.sqrt(np.sum(clarray.vdot(d, d).get()) / np.sum(clarray.vdot(sino, sino).get())) # break if relative residue is smaller than given epsilon if residue < epsilon: print('\rProgress aborted prematurely as desired' + 'precision is reached') break print("\rCG reconstruction complete") return x
[docs]def total_variation(sino, projectionsetting, mu, number_iterations=1000, slice_thickness=1.0, stepsize_weighting=10.): """ Performs a primal-dual algorithm [CP2011]_ to solve a total-variation regularized reconstruction problem associated with a given projection operator and sinogram. This corresponds to the approximate solution of :math:`\\min_{u} {\\frac\\mu2}\\|\\mathcal{P}u-f\\|_{L^2}^2+\\mathrm{TV}(u)` for :math:`\\mathcal{P}` the projection operator, :math:`f` the sinogram and :math:`\\mu` a positive regularization parameter (i.e., an :math:`L^2-\\mathrm{TV}` reconstruction approach). :param sino: Sinogram data to invert. :type sino: :class:`pyopencl.array.Array` :param projectionsetting: The geometry settings for which the projection is considered. :type projectionsetting: :class:`gratopy.ProjectionSettings` :param mu: Regularization parameter, the smaller the stronger the applied regularization. :type epsilon: :class:`float` :param number_iterations: Number of iterations to be performed. :type number_iterations: :class:`float`, default 1000 :param slice_thickness: When 3-dimensional data sets are considered, regularization is also applied across slices. This parameter represents the ratio of the slice thickness to the length of one pixel within a slice. The choice **slice_thickness** =0 results in no coupling across slices. :type slice_thickness: :class:`float`, default 1.0, i.e., isotropic voxels :param stepsize_weighting: Allows to weight the primal-dual algorithm's step sizes :math:`\\sigma` (stepsize for dual update) and :math:`\\tau` (stepsize for primal update) (with :math:`\\sigma\\tau\\|\\mathcal{P}\\|^2\\leq 1`) by multiplication and division, respectively, with the given value. :type stepsize_weighting: :class:`float`, default 10.0 :return: Reconstruction gained via primal-dual iteration for the total-variation regularized reconstruction problem. :rtype: :class:`pyopencl.array.Array` .. [CP2011] Chambolle, A., Pock, T. "A First-Order Primal-Dual Algorithm for Convex Problems with Applications to Imaging." J Math Imaging Vis 40, 120--145 (2011). """ # Establish queue and context queue = projectionsetting.queue ctx = queue.context # type of data considered my_dtype = sino.dtype my_order = {0: 'F', 1: 'C'}[sino.flags.c_contiguous] # set the shape of the image to be reconstructed img_shape = projectionsetting.img_shape if len(sino.shape) == 2: slice_thickness = 0 else: img_shape = img_shape+tuple(sino.shape[2],) extended_img_shape = tuple([4])+img_shape # Definitions of suitable kernel functions for primal and dual updates # update dual variable to data term float32 = np.dtype("float32") float64 = np.dtype("float") update_lambda_ = { (float32, 0): projectionsetting.prg.update_lambda_L2_float_f, (float32, 1): projectionsetting.prg.update_lambda_L2_float_c, (float64, 0): projectionsetting.prg.update_lambda_L2_double_f, (float64, 1): projectionsetting.prg.update_lambda_L2_double_c} update_lambda = lambda lamb, Ku, f, sigma, mu, normest, wait_for=[]: \ lamb.add_event(update_lambda_[lamb.dtype, lamb.flags.c_contiguous] (lamb.queue, lamb.shape, None,,,, np.float32( sigma/normest), np.float32(mu), + + # Update v the dual of gradient of u update_v_ = { (np.dtype("float32"), 0): projectionsetting.prg.update_v_float_f, (np.dtype("float32"), 1): projectionsetting.prg.update_v_float_c, (np.dtype("float"), 0): projectionsetting.prg.update_v_double_f, (np.dtype("float"), 1): projectionsetting.prg.update_v_double_c} update_v = lambda v, u, sigma, slice_thickness, wait_for=[]: \ v.add_event(update_v_[v.dtype, v.flags.c_contiguous] (v.queue, u.shape, None,,, np.float32(sigma), np.float32(slice_thickness), # Update primal variable u (the image) update_u_ = { (np.dtype("float32"), 0): projectionsetting.prg.update_u_float_f, (np.dtype("float32"), 1): projectionsetting.prg.update_u_float_c, (np.dtype("float"), 0): projectionsetting.prg.update_u_double_f, (np.dtype("float"), 1): projectionsetting.prg.update_u_double_c} update_u = lambda u, u_, v, Kstarlambda, tau, normest, slice_thickness, \ wait_for=[]: \ u_.add_event(update_u_[u.dtype, u.flags.c_contiguous] (u.queue, u.shape, None,,,,, np.float32( tau), np.float32(1.0/normest), np.float32(slice_thickness), # Compute the norm of v and project (dual update) update_NormV_ = { (np.dtype("float32"), 0): projectionsetting.prg.update_NormV_unchor_float_f, (np.dtype("float32"), 1): projectionsetting.prg.update_NormV_unchor_float_c, (np.dtype("float"), 0): projectionsetting.prg.update_NormV_unchor_double_f, (np.dtype("float"), 1): projectionsetting.prg.update_NormV_unchor_double_c} update_NormV = lambda V, normV, wait_for=[]:\ normV.add_event(update_NormV_[V.dtype, V.flags.c_contiguous] (V.queue, V.shape[1:], None,,, # update of the extra gradient update_extra_ = {np.dtype("float32"): cl.elementwise.ElementwiseKernel( ctx, 'float *u_, float *u', 'u[i] = 2.0f*u_[i] - u[i]'), np.dtype("float"): cl.elementwise.ElementwiseKernel (ctx, 'double *u_, double *u', 'u[i] = 2.0f*u_[i] - u[i]')} update_extra_ = update_extra_[sino.dtype] def update_extra(u_, u): return \ u.add_event(update_extra_( u_, u, + # Initialize variables for the iteration U = clarray.zeros(queue, img_shape, dtype=my_dtype, order=my_order) U_ = clarray.zeros(queue, img_shape, dtype=my_dtype, order=my_order) V = clarray.zeros(queue, extended_img_shape, dtype=my_dtype, order=my_order) Lamb = clarray.zeros(queue, sino.shape, dtype=my_dtype, order=my_order) KU = clarray.zeros(queue, sino.shape, dtype=my_dtype, order=my_order) KSTARlambda = clarray.zeros(queue, img_shape, dtype=my_dtype, order=my_order) normV = clarray.zeros( queue, img_shape, dtype=my_dtype, order=my_order) # Compute estimates for step-size parameters norm_estimate = normest(projectionsetting) # Estimation of the operator [Grad,Proj] when Proj possesses norm 1 Lsqr = 13 sigma = 1.0/np.sqrt(Lsqr)*stepsize_weighting tau = 1.0/np.sqrt(Lsqr)/stepsize_weighting # Modified mu for internal uses assert mu > 0, "Regularization parameter mu must be positive" # To counteract normalizing the operator, and delta_x comes Frobeniusnorm # the gradient mu *= norm_estimate**2*projectionsetting.delta_x mu = mu/(sigma+mu) # Primal-dual iteration for i in range(number_iterations): # Dual update update_v(V, U_, sigma, slice_thickness) update_NormV(V, normV) forwardprojection(U_, projectionsetting, sino=KU) update_lambda(Lamb, KU, sino, sigma, mu, norm_estimate) # Primal update backprojection(Lamb, projectionsetting, img=KSTARlambda) update_u(U_, U, V, KSTARlambda, tau, norm_estimate, slice_thickness) # Extragradient update update_extra(U_, U) (U, U_) = (U_, U) sys.stdout.write('\rProgress at {:3.0%}' .format(float(i)/number_iterations)) print("\rTV reconstruction complete") return U